100% Funded, in just eleven Plumplim leafits! Next: Stretch Goals, Design Diaries, and Web Adventures...
about 6 years ago
– Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 10:20:33 PM

We did the thing! In a timespan of just eleven leafits*, which are the canonical unit of time on Brumigum, home of the Plumplim. You might wonder how long a leafit is, but you can never be sure. One leafit corresponds to the precise amount of time it takes a Plumplim to have a satisfying nap.
Look at those shiny stretch goals. Up first at $75000 is a booklet of stickers called Achievement Medals. These commemorate strange and/or amazing events that you may strive for while exploring the stories of 1001 Odysseys. Where will you place the stickers? You could put them in the booklet, your passport, or...on your friends. Nothing says achievement like a sticker on your forehead!
We've posted the second Design Diary on Plumplim.com, titled "Kid Friendly vs. Childish". Take a look into some of our thoughts on design, writing, and what makes things fun! We'll be posting more of these throughout the campaign to share our insights. We hope you enjoy them!
Before the campaign began, we ran a prologue adventure on Plumplim.com sharing the tale of the Odyssey's first contact with Insula. Readers got to vote on what happened next, nudging the canonical backstory of the game! On Thursday, we will begin a new adventure, which all of you can participate in. It'll feature shorter, daily updates. If you missed out, this is your chance to join the story.
* - Did we make up the concept of "leafits" while writing this update? Maybe!